books by author


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Nouns and Pronouns (Master your English)

By Davies, G.C., etc., Dillon, S.M., Egerton-Chesney, C.

June '36: Class Struggle and the Popular Front in France

By Danos, Jacques, Gibelin, Marcel, Fysh, Peter, Marsden, P., Bourry, C.

The Soul Thieves

By Fisher, C.

Matching and Numbers (Play together, learn together)

By Rice, Melanie, Barker, C.

The Highwayman

By Noyes, Alfred, Keeping, C.

Assembly Music and Songs

By Pierce, Elizabeth, Brown, Andy, James, C., etc.

Plant Pathologists Pocket Book (Second Edition)

By Johnston, A, Booth, C.

Red Riding Hood: 10 (First Fairy Tales)

By Randall, Ronne, Bull, C.

Spandau: The Secret Diaries

By Speer, Albert, Winston, R., C.

Voltaire (Profiles in Literature S.)

By Thacker, C.

When God's Voice is Heard: Essays on Preaching

By Green, C., Jackman, David, Christopher

Four Black Puppies

By Grindley, Sally, Scruton, C.

Science and Skiing

By Kornexl, E., Müller, Raschner, C., Schwameder, H.

Rudyard Kipling: His Life and Work (Penguin Literary Biographies)

By Carrington, C.

Kafka's Other Trial: The Letters to Felice

By Canetti, Elias, Middleton, C.

The C/C++ Programmers Guide

By Murray, C., Pappas, Chris H.

Postman Pat and the Mystery Thief (Postman Pat - storybooks)

By John Cunliffe, Cunliffe, John, Berridge, C.

Sentences and Capital Letters (Master your English)

By Davies, G.C., etc., Dillon, S.M., Egerton-Chesney, C.

Punctuation (Master your English)

By Davies, G.C., etc., Dillon, S.M., Egerton-Chesney, C.

Spanish-English, English-Spanish Dictionary

By Hugo, C., Soto, Alfonso Ruiz

General Theory of Population

By Sauvy, Alfred, Campos, C.

The Phoenicians

By Herm, Gerhard, Hillier, C.

Britain in Change, 1815-51

By McNab, C., Mackenzie, R., Robert

Sri Lanka (Pobl y byd)

By Bennett, Gay, Cormack, C.

Creepy Crawlies (Usborne pocket nature with Internet links)

By Kilpatrick, C.

Chorley And Giles Shipping Law

By Gaskell, N.J.J., Debattista, C., Swatton, R.J.

Combined Volume (Usborne Calligraphy Books)

By Young, C., Watt, F., Rowley, Anna

Using Human Rights to Change Tradition: v. 13: Traditional Practices Harmful to Women's Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa (School of Human ... Reproductive Health in Sub-Saharan Africa)

By Packer, C.

Adverbs and Adjectives (Master your English)

By Davies, G.C., etc., Dillon, S.M., Egerton-Chesney, C.

De Bello Gallico (The Gallic War): Book.1 (BCP Latin Texts): Bk.1

By Caesar, Julius, Ewan, Colin, C.