books by author
The Ethics of Belief and Other Essays (Great Books in Philosophy)
From Archimedes to Hawking: Laws of Science and the Great Minds Behind Them
Back-of-the-Envelope Physics (Johns Hopkins Paperback)
Reforming Infant Baptism: Its Future in the Church of England
Thank You, Padre: Memories of World War II
Prophecy Past and Present
Today with Jeremiah: v. 1: Studies in the Prophecies of Jeremiah
What Next, Doctor?
Metric Feet and Other Gang Members: 25 Years of the Poetry World
Jesus: Way of Peace
Case for an Empty Tomb
Lent Book (Hodder Christian books)
Companion to the Old Testament: Introduction, Interpretation, Application
Lent Book 2004 (Jesus: Opening Our Hearts)
Palmistry 4 Today: The Fast and Accurate Way to Understand Yourself and the People Around You
Omnibus (Coronet Books)
Amigo, Amigo
Glasgow: A Celebration
Generations: A Collage On Youth Cult (Pelican S.)
Workplace Learning and Development: Delivering Competitive Advantage for Your Organization
Project Management: The Managerial Process
Paper Matters: Today's Paper and Board Industry Unfolded
Key Methods in Geography
super.activ In Line Skating
The Valley
The Royal Gloucestershire Hussars: A Photographic History of the Royal Gloucestershire Yeomanry Cavalry
My England
The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-century Ethnography, Literature and Art
Another way of dying