books by author

The Penguin Thesaurus of Quotations (Penguin reference)

How Many People Can the Earth Support?

A Day in the Life of Canada

Seven Last Words: Lenten Reflections for Today's Believers

101 Ethical Dilemmas

The Escape of Sigmund Freud

Perspectives on Classrooms and Schools

Forces of Nature

The Avengers: A Jewish War Story

Palestine: Retreat from the Mandate - The Making of British Policy, 1936-45

Understanding Organizations through Language

The Science Of Discworld

The Science Of Discworld II: The Globe: 2

Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch: Terry Pratchett: 3

The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day

Selections: Everyman's Talmud

Exploring Cognition: Damaged Brains and Neural Networks: Readings in Cognitive Neuropsychology and Connectionist Modelling

Memmler's Structure and Function of the Human Body

The Brontosaurus Bumper Book

Strategic Supply Chain

Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Aristotle

The Nature of Management (Banking and Finance Series)

Folk Devils and Moral Panics: Creation of Mods and Rockers

The Starman and Me

Everyman's Talmud: The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic Sages

Jews Among Arabs: Contacts and Boundaries: Contacts & Boundaries

Israel and the Arab World