books by author
Alone in the Trenches (I Was There)
Five Ways to Make a Friend
Computer Quiz Book
Sweet Death, Kind Death
Fieldwork for Geography Classes
The Hidden Power of Social Networks: Understanding How Work Really Gets Done in Organizations
The Demon Headmaster: Total Control
Cave Wars: Band 13/Topaz (Collins Big Cat)
Roscoe's Leap (Puffin Books)
Monster from Underground (Banana Books)
Becoming a Therapist: A Manual for Personal and Professional Development
Scarlet Pimpernel: Adapted from Baroness Orczy
Contemporary Health Studies: An Introduction
Health Communication: Theoretical and Critical Perspectives
Gobbo the Great (Clipper, Spag & Barny)
Sing a Song of Sixpence
The Dark Ground - 'The Lost' Book 1
WW1 in Photographs
Led Zeppelin: Des ombres plus hautes que nos âmes
Cambridge Primary Science Activity Book 2
Cambridge Primary Science Activity Book 4
Cambridge Primary Science Activity Book 3
World War II: A dramatic illustrated account of the most destructive war the world has ever seen
Roscoe's Leap (Archway Novels)
Wolf (Oxford Children's Modern Classics)
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
At the Desert's Edge: Oral Histories from the Sahel