books by author
Roaming the West Coast Rails
The Insider's Guide to the New GP Contract: Opportunities and Options for General Practice
Britain Since 1930: The Photocopiable Activity Book (History Resources)
The Photocopiable Tudor Activity Book (History Resources)
Ancient Greece: The Photocopiable Activity Book (History Resources)
Activity Book (Roman Britain)
The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
Stage Two Science
Circus Shoes
Die Paepstin (Die Papstan)
Compact living : idéer för trångbodda
Pictures in the Dark
Fiction (Oxford Literacy Web)
The Spitfire Kids: The generation who built, supported and flew Britain's most beloved fighter
Malcolm Lowry: A Preface to His Fiction
The Demon Headmaster and the Prime Minister's Brain
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Statutory Interpretation
Punishment, Prison and the Public (Hamlyn Lecture Series)
English Sentencing System
Introduction to Criminal Law
Introduction to Criminal Law
English Sentencing System
Oxford Student Texts: Wilfred Owen: Selected Poems: Selected Poems and Letters