books by author

Algebraic Combinatorics and Computer Science: A Tribute to Gian-Carlo Rota

Theatre Year 1983

Pocket Book of Ward Information

Israel: Past & Present

Hamlyn Guide Trees of Britain and Europe

"A Day in the Country and Other Stories (World's Classics S.)

The Cassell Spelling Dictionary (Cassell reference)

Intermediate GCSE Mathematics: Revision and Practice (Revision & Practice)

Pocket Book of Ward Information

Psychological Medicine: Introduction to Psychiatry

Biosphere (Science Now)

Saar-Lorraine (Problem Regions of Europe S.)

Smart Alec's Knock-knock Jokes for Kids

Reform of Post-16 Education and: Training in England and Wales

Libya since 1969: Qadhafi's Revolution Revisited

Law and Institutions of the European Union

Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Renal Medicine (Bk. 2) (Pocket S.)

Haematology, Rheumatology and Neurology (Bk. 3) (Pocket S.)

Green Reporting: Accountancy and the Challenge of the Nineties

Cultural Work and Higher Education

Topsy Turvy Rhymes

Law and Institutions of the European Union

Art with Children (How to Do it S.)

Physicochemical Principles of Pharmacy

The Education Fact File

The British Intellectual Engagement with Africa in the Twentieth Century

Making Global Connections


The Book of J.