books by author
Cancer and the Law
Water Supply Management: 29 (Water Science and Technology Library, 29)
Sand Mining: Environmental Impacts and Selected Case Studies (Environmental Science and Engineering)
Geology of Offshore Ireland and West Britain
Environment and Earth Observation: Case Studies in India (Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry)
Petroleum Basin Studies
Mineral and Thermal Groundwater Resources
Web Work: Information Seeking and Knowledge Work on the World Wide Web: 1 (Information Science and Knowledge Management, 1)
Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks under the Microscope: Classification, textures, microstructures and mineral preferred orientation
Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories: Interim Results from the U.S. Country Studies Program: 9 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 9)
Rural Sociology of Advanced Societies
Mineral Surfaces: 5 (The Mineralogical Society Series, 5)
Synthetic Polymers: Technology, properties, applications
Polymer Microscopy (Advances in Social Cognition; 9)
The Practical Use of Fracture Mechanics
Mathematical Methods in Engineering
Degradable Polymers: Principles and applications
Educating the Engineer for the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Global Engineering Education
Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems: Benefits and Risks
A Basic Course in Statistics
Java Book
Advanced Łukasiewicz calculus and MV-algebras: 35 (Trends in Logic, 35)
Mathematics Explorer: Bk. 4
Animal Liberation: A Graphic Guide (Graphic guides)
Can Religion be Explained Away? (Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion)
Granite: From Segregation of Melt to Emplacement Fabrics: 8 (Petrology and Structural Geology, 8)
Aggression and Antisocial Behaviour in Childhood and Adolescence
Land use planning and remote sensing: 2 (Remote Sensing of Earth Resources and Environment, 2)