books by author
Daniel R.
The Secret Sharer: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary ... (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism)
Industrial Psychology
Catering and Hospitality: Cookery Units: Food Preparation and Cooking (NVQ2 SVQ2 Catering & Hospitality)
Knowledge-enabled Organization
The Official Lawyers' Handbook: How to Survive a Legal Career
Children of the Stars: Our Origin, Evolution and Destiny
Computations in Algebraic Geometry with Macaulay 2: 8 (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, 8)
Place-Based Conservation: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
California Climate Scenarios Assessment (Springer Atmospheric Sciences)
Claude Montefiore: His Life and Thought (Parkes-Wiener Series on Jewish Studies)
Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Earth and Its Peoples: To 1500 Vol 1