books by author

On Sudden Hill

MEI Statistics 3 Third Edition (MEI Structured Mathematics (A+AS Level) Third Edition)

Surprising Sharks

Summer at the Little Cottage on the Hill: An utterly uplifting holiday romance to escape with: Volume 2 (The Little Cottage Series)

Tinka Dresses Up (Tim & Tinka S.)

Whale Boy

The Fifth Miracle: The Search For the Origin of Life (Penguin Press Science S.)

The Russian Revolution from Lenin to Stalin 1917-1929

Child's Book of Prayers and Graces

Rewriting English: Politics of Gender and Class (New Accents)

A Year With My Camera, Book 1: The ultimate photography workshop for complete beginners: Volume 1

Histoires de pirates pour les petits garçons

Black Women, Writing and Identity: Migrations of the Subject

The Audit Handbook: Improving Health Care Through Clinical Audit

One Tiny Turtle

Feed the Birds (Tim & Tinka S.)

Issues in Urban Society

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment for Pain Relief (Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief)

El Greco (Colour Plate S.)

Domino Island: The unpublished thriller by the master of the genre

Aztecs (Ideas Bank S.)

The No-Nonsense Guide to Islam (No-Nonsense Guides)

Wainwright: The Biography

Boundary Element Programming in Mechanics

We, The Nation: The Conservative Party and the Pursuit of Power

The Teller of Tales: In Search of Robert Louis Stevenson

What Happens Next? (Uncover and Discover)

Nutrition in Child Health

Beneath Another Sky: A Global Journey into History