books by author

Children Need Recreation

British Culture of the Post-War: An Introduction to Literature and Society 1945-1999

Solutions Pre-Intermediate: Teacher's Book

Solutions: Intermediate: Student's Book with MultiROM Pack

Solutions: Pre-Intermediate: Student's Book with MultiROM Pack

Solutions Upper-Intermediate: Student's Book with MultiROM Pack

The Time Machine and Other Works (Wordsworth Classics)

Technology Activities (Bright Ideas for Early Years)

F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (Focus on)

Student Guide to Dylan Thomas (Student Guides)

Student Guide to William Blake (Greenwich Exchange Student Guides)

The Sequence: Inside the Race for the Human Genome

Ghosts (Orange Level 4) (Oranges & lemons)

The Papers of Samuel Marchbanks, Comprising the Diary,the Table Talk & a Garland of Micsellanea By Samuel Marchbanks,Enlarged to Include a Biographical Introduction & Copious Notes...

Introductory Java for Scientists and Engineers

The Girl Behind the Gates: The gripping, heart-breaking historical bestseller based on a true story

Explore: Reptiles

Actions Speak Louder: Management Guide to Corporate Social Responsibility

Polly and the Pirates: Red Banana (Banana Books)

The No-Nonsense Guide to Islam (No Nonsense Guides S.)

Deadly Affair (Blake's True Crime Library)

Solo A Star Wars Story Han on the Run

Science with Air (Usborne Science Activities S.)

Are We Alone?: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life (Penguin Science S.)

Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw

The Rhineland Mystics: An Anthology

Dinosaur Junction (Older fiction paperbacks)

Tales From When I Were A Lad: More snapshots from a time that Health & Safety forgot

Successful Marketing in a week, 2nd edn (IAW)