books by author


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De Gaulle Through British Eyes, Vu par les Anglais: An Exhibition of Original Cartoon Drawings

By Liz Ottaway, etc.

Essential Surgical Practice

By A. Cuschieri, etc.

Moon the Loon

By Peter Butler, etc.

Walking the Walls: Historic Town Defences in Kent, Nord-Pas de Calais and West Flanders

By Phillipe Bragard, etc.

Watching What We Watch: Prime-time Television Through the Lens of Faith

By Walter Davis, etc.

Listening Hearts: Discerning Call in Community

By Suzanne G. Farnham, etc.

Cliff Richard: The Complete Chronicle

By Mike Read, etc., Hank Marvin

QUERCUS: Statistics for Bioscientists - A Student Guidebook

By Moya McCloskey, etc., Chris Robertson, Steve Blythe

Understanding Data: Principles and Practice of Statistics

By David Griffiths, etc., W. Douglas Stirling (Massey University, USA), K. Lawrence Weldon (Simon Fraser University

The Czech Republic and Slovakia: The Best Regional Itineries and Tours of Prague

By Eugene Fodor, etc.

Honeycombs: Set 1: My Body

By Barbara Vokes, etc., Barrie Richardson

Honeycombs: Set 1: My Body

By Barbara Vokes, etc., Barrie Richardson

Honeycombs: Set 1: Body Parts

By Barbara Vokes, etc., Barrie Richardson

Honeycombs: Set 1: Keep Warm

By Barbara Vokes, etc., Barrie Richardson

Molecular Cell Biology

By Harvey Lodish, James E. Darnell, etc.

Lotus Notes and Domino Server 4.5 Developer's Guide

By Steven Kern, etc., et al

Maths Programme: Year 5 Summer Term Text Book

By Sue Thorn, etc., Karen Westall

Big Book of Home Crafts: v.1

By Fay Boon, etc.

Principles of General Psychology

By Gregory A. Kimble, etc.

Principles of General Psychology: Study Gde

By Gregory A. Kimble, etc.

The Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland

By Jim Asher, etc., Martin Warren (Recorder, Butterfly Conservation), Richard Fox (Head, Biological Records Centre), Paul Harding (Head, Biological Records Centre, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)

Ireland: 1972

By Eugene Fodor, etc.

The Rattenbury Murder: Tragedy in Three Voices

By Sir Michael Havers, etc., Anthony Barrett (Associate Professor of Classics, University of British Columbia)

Global Change and the Earth System: A Planet under Pressure

By W. L. Steffen, etc.

Let's Eat Indian

By Das Gupta, etc.

Europe on a Shoestring

By Scott McNeely, etc., et al

Fred's Forest Friends

By Mary Packard, etc., Silvia Serrat, Eva;Bracken Serrat;Silvia;Rosa;Alfred;Lopez

Band of Brothers: Celebration of the England Rugby Union Squad

By Frank Keating, etc., Jon Nicholson, et al

Human Biochemistry

By Israel S. Kleiner, James M. Orten, etc.

Survival of Cancer Patients in Europe: The EUROCARE Study

By F.Sant M. Berrino, etc., M. Sant (both of the Lombardy Cancer Registry, Milan, Italy), A. Verdecchia, R. Capocaccia (both of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome