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Guys and Dolls and How to Make Them

By Benbow, Mary, etc.

Occupational Therapy with Elders: Strategies for the COTA

By Helene Lohman, etc., Rene Padilla, Sue Byers-Connon (Instructor, Occupational Therapy Assistant Program, Mt Hood Community College, Gresham, Oregon, USA)

Colour Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy: v. 2: Internal Organs

By Werner Kahle, etc., et al, G. Spitzer, H.L. Dayan

Colour Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy: v. 2: Internal Organs

By Werner Kahle, etc., et al, G. Spitzer, H.L. Dayan

Clinical and Resuscitative Data: Compendium of Intensive, Medical and Anaesthetic Resuscitative Data

By R.P.H. Dunnill, etc., M.P. Colvin (Consultant Anaesthetist, The London Hospital)

Your Italian Vocabulary Guide for GCSE

By Ian McKeane, etc.

Current Topics in Intensive Care: No. 2

By G.J. Dobb, etc.

Italian Grammar: Your Guide

By Ian McKeane, etc.

Tolley's Health and Safety at Work Handbook: 1991-92

By Janet Braune, Malcolm Dewis, etc.

Energy and the Environment: A Risk-benefit Approach

By H. Ashley, etc.

Global Challenge: Leadership Lessons from the World's Toughest Yacht Race

By Humphrey Walters, etc., Peter Mackie, Rosie Mackie, Andrea Bacon

Shorter Oxford English Dictionary: w. thumb index

By William Little, etc., C. T. Onions

Textbook of Influenza

By Karl G. Nicholson, etc., Robert Webster (St Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA), Alan Hay (Medical Research Council, World Influenza Centre, National institute for medical research, London)

Mathematics for Schools: Level 2, Bk. 1

By Harold Fletcher, etc.

Architecture and Independence: Search for Identity - India, 1880 to 1980

By Jon Lang, etc., Madhavi Desai, Miki Desai

Earthshaping: Series 3: Watercycling

By J. Hallam, etc.

Reading Tasks

By Benitez, L., etc., Castrillo, J.M, Cerezal, N, Suarez, C.

Matter at Low Temperatures

By P. V. E. McClintock, etc., D. J. Meredith, J. K. Wigmore

The Literacy Kit: Sentence Level Lesson Starters Box

By Geoff Barton, etc.

Honeycombs: Set 1: Germs

By Barbara Vokes, etc., Barrie Richardson

Weather Book: A Complete Guide to Meteorological Phenomena, Weather Forecasting and Climate

By Wright, Peter, etc.

Covent Garden Album: A Celebration of 250 Years of Theatre, Opera and Ballet

By Lord Drogheda, etc.

Basic Human Embryology

By Williams, Peter L., etc.

Churchill: Four Faces and the Man

By A. J. P. Taylor, etc., Robert Rhodes James, J. H. Plumb, Antony Storr

Package 2 (Volumes C+D+E) Volume B

By Nina Baym, etc.

Natural Childhood: A Practical Guide to the First Seven Years

By John B. Thomson, etc., et al

Zigzag Book of the Sea

By Laura Wade, Nicola Wright, Peter Bull, etc.

Zimbabwe: A New History

By G. Seidman, etc.

Covent Garden Album: A Celebration of 250 Years of Theatre, Opera and Ballet

By Lord Drogheda, etc.

Planning Office Space

By Francis Duffy, etc., Colin Cave, John Worthington