books by author

The Fastest Egg and Spoon Race Ever: Time (Reader's Digest Little Learners S.)

1970s (Picture History of the 20th Century)

Robot Riot (Mortimer Keene)

Encyclopaedia of Vegetable Gardening (Colour Encyclopedia)

Britain's Economic Miracle: Myth or Reality?

World's Greatest Crimes of Passion, The

Part of the Pattern: Memoirs of a Wife at Westminster

Preface to Christian Studies

Strange But True: World's Weirdest Newspaper Stories

Mysteries (Timespan S.)

Disasters (Timespan S.)

The Time of My Life

Goatee's Pumpkin: Measuring (Reader's Digest Little Learners S.)

Real Magic: Magic (Reader's Digest Little Learners S.)

Toby and Tess: Groups (Reader's Digest Little Learners S.)

The House That Pig Built: Manners (Reader's Digest Little Learners S.)

New World of Health Promotion: New Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation

Studies in Economics and Business: Supply Side Policies

Wardrobe Wisdom: How to dress and take care of your clothes

Captain Kate (Busy Board Books)

Statistics: A Tool for Social Research

More Healeys: Frog Eyes, Sprites and Midgets

Elizabeth is Missing

Fifth Gospel: In Search of Black Christian Values

Ghosts on the Loose (Mortimer Keene)

The 1960's (Picture history of the 20th century)

Coutts and Co. 1692-1992: Portrait of a Private Bank

Canterbury Papers, The: 1 (Alais Capet)

Billy's Pet Rock: Living Things (Reader's Digest Little Learners S.)