books by author
John P.

Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics: Pediatric Orthopaedics, 1e

Seventeenth–Century British Poetry, 1603–1660: Authoritative Texts Criticism (Norton Critical Editions)

Texts and Tests in English: Bk. 2

Power in Management

Lecture Notes Urology

"Titanic": Destination Disaster - The Legends and the Reality

Christ's Living Body

Audiology: The Fundamentals

Audiology: The Fundamentals

The Language of Physics: A Foundation for University Study

Patronage and Politics in the USSR: 82 (Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies, Series Number 82)


The Creative Use of Calculators (Pelican S.)

Long-term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes: Volume 8 (Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, 8)

Neurological Differential Diagnosis

Hume and Hume's Connexions (Edinburgh Studies in Intellectual History)

Introduction to Child Development

Play Away Please: The Tale of the Sale of Golf's Greatest Icon - The St Andrews Old Course Starter's Box



On Scotland

Lecture Notes on Urology

The Animal Kingdom (Zoology)

"Titanic": Destination Disaster - The Legends and the Reality

Football (Learnabout S.)

Offset-Dependent Reflectivity: Theory and Practice of Avo Analysis (Investigations in Geophysics, Vol 8)

More from an Englishman in the Midi

Leading Change, With a New Preface by the Author

Churches That Obey: Taking the Great Commission Seriously