books by author

Oracle 7: The Complete Reference

Bird, Egg, Feather, Nest

Dreams Alive: Prayers by Teenagers

The Successful Bosss First 100 Days (Career Tactics)

Whole Health Handbook

The Berlin Wall: Division of a City

Fast Facts: Dyspepsia

The Babylonian and Persian Periods (v. 2) (The Prophets)

Trypanosomatid Diseases: Molecular Routes to Drug Discovery: 04 (Drug Discovery in Infectious Diseases)

Optical and Geometrical Patterns and Designs (Picture Archives S.)

Recent Advances in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring (Pageoph Topical Volumes)

Modeling in Systems Biology: The Petri Net Approach: 16 (Computational Biology, 16)

Exploration-Geochemical Data Analysis with the IBM PC (Computer Methods in the Geosciences)

Penguin Modern Poets, 24: Bk. 24

The Assyrian Period (v. 1) (The Prophets)

The Country Parson's Advice to His Parishioners: A Serious Exhortation to a Religious and Virtuous Life

Christian Counselling and Occultism: The Counselling of the Psychically Disturbed and Those Oppressed through Involvement in Occultism. A Practical, ... the Light of Present Day Psychological and M

Demonology, Past and Present

Before Night Falls: A Memoir

The 80/20 Manager: Ten ways to become a great leader

Investors Guide to Selecting Shares That Perform: Inv Gd Select Shares Perform [3rd Edition]

The Power Laws: The Science of Success: How Business Really Works

The Financial Times A-Z Of Management And Finance the definitive Guide To Tools,TermsAnd Techniques: An A-Z Of Tools, Terms And Techniques (The FT Guides)

Simplify: How the Best Businesses in the World Succeed

Mughal Architecture (Architecture S.)

Romantic Art (Artline Series)

Growing in Christian Morality

Oracle9i: The Complete Reference

The Investor's Guide to Selecting Shares That Perform: 10 Techniques That Work (Financial Times)