Koch, Oliver, Jager, Timo, Flohé, Leopold, Selzer, Paul M.
Trypanosomatid Diseases: Molecular Routes to Drug Discovery: 04 (Drug Discovery in Infectious Diseases)
- Availability
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- Books2Africa Collection
- Subjects
- Diseases & Disorders Medicine
- Neurology & Clinical Neurophysiology
- Family & Lifestyle Pathology
- Family & Lifestyle Pharmacology
- Parasitology
- Biological Sciences References
- Chemistry References
- Chemical Engineering & Technology
- Engineering & Technology References
- Pathology
- Medicine References
- Industrial Chemistry & Manufacturing Technologies
- Anatomy
- Pathology Textbooks
- Neuroscience
- Author(s)
- Published
- 17th April 2013
- Publisher
- Wiley-Blackwell
- ISBN-10
- 9783527332557
- ISBN-13
- 9783527332557
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