books by subject

Viruses: Essential Agents of Life

Tropical and Geographical Medicine

Methods for Field Trials of Interventions against Tropical Diseases: A `Toolbox'

Markell and Voge's Medical Parasitology, 9e

Leeches, Lice and Lampreys: A Natural History of Skin and Gill Parasites of Fishes

Modelling Potential Malaria Spread in Germany by Use of Climate Change Projections: A Risk Assessment Approach Coupling Epidemiologic and ... (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

Kala Azar in South Asia: Current Status and Challenges Ahead

Peroxiredoxin Systems: Structures and Functions: 44 (Subcellular Biochemistry, 44)

New Insights in Medical Mycology

Kala Azar in South Asia: Current Status and Sustainable Challenges

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever: A Global Perspective

Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Related Toxigenic Species: Genomics, Pathogenicity and Applications

Aspergillosis: from diagnosis to prevention

Mites: Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour: Life at a Microscale

Glycobiology and Medicine: Proceedings of the 7th Jenner Glycobiology and Medicine Symposium.: 564 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 564)

Drug Resistance in Leishmania Parasites: Consequences, Molecular Mechanisms and Possible Treatments

Control of Human Parasitic Diseases: Volume 61 (Advances in Parasitology)

Freshwater Snails Of Africa And Their Medical Importance

Control of Human Parasitic Diseases (Advances in Parasitology): Volume 61

Controlling Disease Due to Helminth Infections

Tropical Medicine and Parasitology

Tropical Diseases: From 50,000 BC to 2500 AD

Progress in Human African Trypanosomiasis, Sleeping Sickness

Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis: Biology and Control

Guide to Human Parasitology for Medical Practitioners

Malaria Parasites: Comparative Genomics, Evolution and Molecular Biology

Leishmania: After the Genome

Paediatrics in the Tropics

Trypanosomatid Diseases: Molecular Routes to Drug Discovery: 04 (Drug Discovery in Infectious Diseases)