books by author

New Intelligence for a Smarter Planet

Tchrs' (Bk. 3) (Geography today)

Juju and the Pirate

Sound it Out: Bk. 3

Sound it Out: Bk. 1

Sound it Out: Bk. 2

Existentialism and Humanism

Moses the Kitten

Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy: 19 (Frontiers of Gastrointestinal Research)

Psychosocial Disorders (Management of Common Diseases in Family Practice)

Endocrinology (Management of Common Diseases in Family Practice)

Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations (Oxford Applied Mathematics & Computing Science Series)

Algebraic Specification (Acm Press Frontier Series)

Dudley in a Jam

Leisure Marketing (Longman/Ilam Leisure Management)

Weirs and Flumes for Flow Measurement

The Handbook of Antenna Design: v. 2 (IEE Electromagnetic Waves): Volume 2

The Handbook of Antenna Design: v. 1 (IEE Electromagnetic Waves): Volume 1

A Woman's Work: Changing Christian Attitudes

Introduction to the Study of Soils in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Regions

English-French French-English Dictionary of Medical and Biological Terms

Livre Du Professeur 1 (Le Nouveau Sans Frontieres: Livre Du Professeur 1)

Tnm Classification of Malignant Tumours

Maths for Science

Key Questions in Radiology

History and Geography (Pt. 2) (Practical Topics for the Primary School)

African History

Herbert: Five Stories

A Choice of Poets: An Anthology of Poets from Wordsworth to the Present Day