books by author
Peter D.

Modern Medicinal Chemistry (Ellis Horwood Series in Pharmaceutical Technology)

Shrew Wars

Shrew Wars

The Guinness Encyclopedia of the Living World

Marketing Management

Our Mysterious Ocean

Coeliac Disease (Bailliere's Clinical Gastroenterology S.)

Art of Bonsai

Appropriate Technology: Technology with a Human Face

Specific Learning Difficulties: Dyslexia - Challenges and Responses (NFER-Nelson)

Clay Modelling for Everyone: Pottery, Sculpture and Miniatures without a Wheel

Rich and Poor in Tudor Times (Step-up History)

Oedipus the King and Antigone (Crofts Classics): Oedipus & Antigone: 4

Age 7-8 (Let's Learn at Home: Science S.)

Senses: Vol 10 (Science in Our World S.)

Gregor Strasser and the Rise of Nazism

Files and Data Bases: An Introduction

Dermatology (Tutorials in Postgraduate Medicine)

Christian and People of Other Faiths: 3

Age 6-7 (Let's Learn at Home: Science S.)

Successful Bonsai Growing (Concorde Books)

Viking Invaders and Settlers (Step-up History)

Looking at Microscopes (Looking at science)

Light and Colour (Straightforward Science)

Forensic Science Education and Training: A Tool-kit for Lecturers and Practitioner Trainers

Professional Knowledge and Professional Practice (Issues in Education S.)

The Child with a Disability

Key Stage Two (Scholastic Portfolio Assessment S.)

Oxford Literacy Web: Non-fiction