books by author

Righteous Dopefiend (California Series in Public Anthropology): 21
1 available
La Grande Imagerie Fleurus: Napoleon

Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Design

Oralbums: L'arbre a Gouters (Book + CD)

Site-directed insertion of transgenes: 23 (Topics in Current Genetics, 23)

The Great Escape

Biodiversity in the Marine Environment

Nazi Anti-Semitism: From Prejudice to the Holocaust

Franz Et Clara: 6121537 (Romans, Nouvelles, Recits (Domaine Francais))

Open World: The Truth about Globalisation

The Factory (Busy Places)

Essais : L'Empire du Bien, Apres l'Histoire I-II, Exorcismes spirituels I-IV: Index des noms propres, des oeuvres, hyperfestif (Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents)

Log Data Acquisition and Quality Control

I Can't Sleep

The Factory (Busy Places)

The Airport (Busy Places)

The Garage (Busy Places)

The Decline of the Third Republic, 1914–1938 (The Cambridge History of Modern France, Series Number 5)

L' Anniversaire de Mini-Loup numéro 3: 2232544

Collection privée

A Country Far Away

The Frenchman: A Photographic Interview with Fernanel (Photo Books S.)

Bilingual Dictionary of Book Publishing

John Henry Newman: Doctor of the Church

Reading Corner: A Bunch Of Balloons

Concentré de délices

Materiality and Managerial Techniques: New Perspectives on Organizations, Artefacts and Practices (Technology, Work and Globalization)

Le restaurant : théorie et pratique. Tome 1

L'utopie de la communication: Le mythe du village planétaire