books by author
Richard J.

An Introduction to Dynamics and Control

Broad Scale Coastal Simulation: New Techniques to Understand and Manage Shorelines in the Third Millennium: 49 (Advances in Global Change Research, 49)

Metastasis of Prostate Cancer: 10 (Cancer Metastasis - Biology and Treatment, 10)

Liquid Crystalline Semiconductors: Materials, properties and applications: 169 (Springer Series in Materials Science, 169)

The Stock Market: 64 (Wiley Investment)

Troubled Transplants: Unconventional Strategies for Helping Disturbed Foster & Adoptive Children

Basic Geological Mapping, 5th Edition: 35 (Geological Field Guide)

Fundamentals of Entomology

Hitchcock's "Psycho" (Picador Books)

The King Arthur Illustrated Guide

Socio-economic Models in Geography (University Paperbacks)

Medicine for Examinations: 4th Edition (RCP study guides)

An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica®

The Cause of Christian Education

Common-Channel Signalling (Telecommunications)

MCQs in Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Multiple Choice Questions Series)

Atmosphere, Weather and Climate

Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and the Life and Social Sciences: Pearson New International Edition

History of Modern Africa (Blackwell Concise History of the Modern World): 1800 to the Present (Wiley Blackwell Concise History of the Modern World)

30-Second Maths: The 50 Most Mind-Expanding Theories in Mathematics, Each Explained in Half a Minute

How Companies Lie: Why Enron is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

How Companies Lie: Why Enron is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Why a Duck?: Visual and Verbal Gems from the Marx Brothers Movies

The Periodic Table of the Elements: No. 32 (Oxford Chemistry S.)

Essential Social Psychology

Pocket Guide To Examination Of The Musculoskeletal System

Intellectual Property Law and Taxation (Law & tax)

Essential Social Psychology (Sage Edge)

The Social Progress of Nations Revisited, 1970–2020: 50 Years of Development Challenges and Accomplishments: 78 (Social Indicators Research Series, 78)