books by author

The BFG (My Roald Dahl)

Boy: Tales of Childhood

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar And Six More

The Complete Adventures of Charlie And Mr Willy Wonka: Charlie And the Chocolate Factory; Charlie And the Great Glass Elevator

The Enormous Crocodile (Colour Edition)

Boy and Going Solo: Roald Dahl

Even More Revolting Recipes

Rhyme Stew

Going Solo



Madness: tales of fear and unreason

The BFG (Puffin Modern Classics)

George's Marvellous Medicine

The Roald Dahl Treasury

Willy Wonka's Whipplescrumptious Annual 2011

George's Marvellous Medicine (Puffin Modern Classics)

Out Of This World

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Roald Dahl


Charlie's Secret Chocolate Book

Cameras (Look Inside)

The Complete Short Stories: Volume Two

El Superzorro

Esio Trot (Dahl Fiction)

James and the Giant Peach: Plays for Children

Matilda (Colour Edition)

Charlie et la chocolaterie (Collection Folio Junior)

L'Enorme Crocodile (INACTIF- FOLIO BENJAMIN (2))