books by author

Dirty Beasts

Taste and Other Tales (Longman Fiction S.)




Revolting Recipes: As Presented by Gary Rhodes on BBC TV (Red Fox Books)

The Witches (New Windmills KS3)

Boy: Tales of Childhood

Roald Dahl's Book of Ghost Stories
Esio Trot (Puffin Books)

Roald Dahl Address Book

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

The Twits (colour book and CD)

The Magic Finger

Level 2: The Enormous Crocodile (Pearson English Kids Readers)

Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes

The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories

Roald Dahl’s Lucky Charlie Bucket

Revolting Rhymes

De fantastische meneer Vos

Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik

The Great Mouse Plot And Other Tales of Childhood

Revolting Rhymes

The BFG: Roald Dahl (Film Tie In)

Skin And Other Stories (Now in Speak!)

Charlie ET Le Grand Ascenseur De Verre (Folio Junior)

Mon Oncle Oswald: A37745 (Folio)
Fantastic Mr Fox
The Magic Finger