books by author

Ms Wiz Spells Trouble

Ms Wiz - Millionaire (PB)

You Cannot Live As I Have Lived and Not End Up Like This: The thoroughly disgraceful life and times of Willie Donaldson

Time Flies For Ms Wiz: 7

Clinical Paediatrics for Postgraduate Examinations (MRCPCH Study Guides)

Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal

The Golden Horseshoe

This Angry Land

London and Its Buses

Proust on Art and Literature

Century: One Hundred Years of Human Progress, regression, Suffering and Hope 1899-1999

In Control, Ms Wiz? (Young Piper S.)

Ms Wiz Goes Live (Young Piper S.)

Coming Attractions

Best Radio Plays of 1989: The Giles Cooper Award Winners

British Life a Century Ago Images From The Francis Frith Collection (Photographic Memories)

Education And The Market Place

Audrey Hepburn: Portraits of an Icon

Plato's Ethics

You're Nicked, Ms Wiz

In Stitches with Ms Wiz

Women in Islam: Reflections on Historical and Contemporary Research

Particle Size Measurement: Volume 2: Surface Area and Pore Size Determination.: 7 (Particle Technology Series, 7)

Sudden Death at the Vicarage (Mysteries Series)

The English Legal Process

Nasty Neighbours / Nice Neighbours (Flippers S.)

The Unfinished Revolution: Learning, Human Behaviour,Community and Political Paradox (Visions of Education S.)

Totally Spaced, Ms Wiz

Onward Christian Parents!