books by author

The Lottie Project

Understanding Depression (Family Doctor Series)

Egyptian Food and Drink (Shire Egyptology): 9

Mortimer's Christmas

Everyday French
Teddy Plays Hide and Seek Read-Aloud (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)
Teddy in the Garden Read-Aloud (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

Alien Invaders (Doodle Wars)

Time Masters

Friendship of Equals

The Runaway Girls

Introduction to Graph Theory

Axel's Castle: A Study in the Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930 (Penguin literary criticism)

Cultural Materialism: Principles and Parameters in Syntactic Theory (Institutions)

Beyond the Occult

Stanley Bagshaw and the Short-Sighted Football Trainer (Stanley Bagshaw Series)

Chemistry and Cooking: Materials and Their Properties for Key Stages 1 and 2 (Wildflowers)

Governance and Authority in the Roman Catholic Church: Beginning a Conversation

An African Princess

Discover Countries: Poland

Talisman 2 Series

Pets for Sale (Integrated Comprehension & Composition S.)

Down House: Home of Charles Darwin

A Textbook of Human Psychology


Let Newton be!

Project X Origins: Brown Book Band, Oxford Level 11: Conflict: Round-up


Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales