books by author

Know Your Child's Iq
Lola Rose

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Greatest Stories: Oxford Level 15: Animal Tails

When the Gods Choose (Mills & Boon Romance)

The Gift Of Loving

Animal Verse

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia 4/e (Flexicover) (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

Tapas : Bouchées espagnoles

Christopher Marlowe (Longman Critical Readers)

Watching Television: Hermeneutics, Reception and Popular Culture: Hermeneutics, Reception and Polular Culture

Race, Multiculturalism, and the Media: From Mass to Class Communication

The Sacred and the Secular University: 34 (The William G. Bowen Series, 34)
Rent a Bridesmaid

British Surrealism & Other Realities


Let Newton be!

Tier One: 1 (Tier One Thrillers, 1)

Ephesians: A Digest of Reformed Comment (New Testament Commentaries)

A Boy's Own Dale

"Which?" Encyclopaedia of the Home

Westminster Abbey: The Lady Chapel of Henry VII

Tolkien Quiz Book

Katy: TV Tie-In

The Story of Tracy Beaker

Politically Speaking: Pragmatic Analysis of Political Language (Language in Society)

Livewire Real Lives Oasis (Livewires)

The Keep

Ideas and Mechanism: Essays on Early Modern Philosophy (Princeton Legacy Library)