books by author
A picture History for Boys and Girls

The Ballad of Dorothy Wordsworth

English Country House and Its Furnishings

Fang-tastic Friends: 2 (Vlad the World’s Worst Vampire, 2)

Geology: Surface Processes (Course S260 S.)

Empire of the Deep: The Rise and Fall of the British Navy

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (Master Guides): 23

"The Emperor's Giraffe and Other Stories of Cultures in Contact

How to Teach Listening Book and Audio CD Pack: Industrial Ecology

First Bite: How We Learn to Eat

Going Haywire - Joshua Jones

Hagakure - Book of the Samurai

Breakthrough: Channel Tunnel Story (Century editions/Eurotunnel)

Ten Fingers for God: The Life and Work of Paul Brand


Teddy in the Garden Read-Aloud (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

Teddy at the Fair Read-Aloud (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

Eurotunnel: The Illustrated Journey

Breast Calcification: A Diagnostic Manual

[Ask Tracy Beaker and Friends] [by: Jacqueline Wilson]

Jacqueline Wilson Diary 2012

Governance of Britain

Wales (Lonely Planet Country Guides)

The Killer Tadpole (Gazelle Books)

Forensic Psychiatry, Race and Culture

The Lipstick Gospel: A Story About Finding God in Heartbreak, the Sistine Chapel, and the Perfect Cappuccino

In the Lion's Court: Power, Ambition and Sudden Death in the Reign of Henry VIII - A Study in Political Intrigue

The killer: A novel

Osborne House