books by author

Cliffhanger (Biscuit Barrel, 2)

Dream Children

The Culture of Ancient Egypt (Phoenix Books)

How Steam Locomotives Work

The Railway Children (Puffin Classics)

Jesus and the Shroud

Bear Sees Colours


Federal Husband

Jacqueline Wilson Quiz Book

Stress proof your business and your life

The Invisible World: Early Modern Philosophy and the Invention of the Microscope: 2 (Studies in Intellectual History and the History of Philosophy)

Bear Says Thanks

Wouldn't it be Nice: My Own Story

Sex, Evolution and Behaviour

C is for Confidence: A Guide to Running Confidence Building Courses for Women of All Ages

To be a Ghost: Poems of Magic, Mystery And the Supernatural (Puffin Books)

Incomparable: Explorations in the Character of God

To the Finland Station

Ziggy: Pets are Friends Who Share Your Rainy Days

Praise Her in the Gates: The Calling of Christian Motherhood: The Calling of Christian Motherhood

The Fruit of Her Hands: Respect and the Christian Woman: Respect and the Christian Woman (Family)

Riding the Great White

My Life for Yours: A Walk through the Christian Home: A Walk Though the Christian Home

Scottish Fairy Tales

Technology (Teacher Timesavers)

Future Men

Reforming Marriage

Arctic Lands (Find out About)