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University - Business & Economics

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Lectures In Industrial Organization Theory

By Basu

Microsimulation Modelling for Policy Analysis: Challenges and Innovations: 65 (Department of Applied Economics Occasional Papers, Series Number 65)

By Mitton, Lavinia, Sutherland, Holly, Weeks, Melvyn

The Evolution of Giant Firms in Britain

By Prais, S. J.

Economics and Consumer Behavior

By Deaton, Angus

Methodology for a New Microeconomics: The Critical Foundations

By Boland, Lawrence A.

Readings in Applied Microeconomics

By Wagner, Leslie, Baltazzis, Nikos

Monopoly Capitalism (Radical Economics)

By Cowling, Keith

Applied Microeconomic Problems

By Clarke, Rosemary

Capital and Land

By Doreen Massey, Alejandrina Catalano

The Economic Theory of Agrarian Institutions (Clarendon Paperbacks)

By Bardhan, Pranab

The Economics of Irrigation

By Carruthers, I.D., Clark, Colin

Farming for Farmers?: Critique of Agricultural Support Policy: No 20 (Hobart Papers)

By Howarth, Richard W.

The Power in the Land

By Fred Harrison

Foreign Investment, Transnationals and Developing Countries

By Lall, Sanjaya, Streeten, Paul

A World Divided: The Less Developed Countries in the International Economy: 5 (Perspectives on Development, Series Number 5)

By Helleiner, G. K.

Does Aid Work?

By Robert Cassen

Developing Country Debt and the World Economy (NBER-Project Reports)

By Sachs

The Conditions of Agricaultural Growth

By Ester Boserup

Money, Interest, and Banking in Economic Development (The Johns Hopkins Studies in Development)

By Fry, Prof Maxwell J. J.

The Latin American Debt

By Jorge, Antonio

Political Inflation and the Developing Countries

By Cline, William R., etc.

Appraising Foreign Investment in Developing Countries

By Lal, Deepak

Industry and Underdevelopment

By R b Sutcliffe

Development Economics and Policy Readings

By Livingstone, Ian

The International Monetary System and the Less Developed Countries

By Bird, Graham

The World Economy in Transition

By Beenstock, Michael

Industry and trade in some developing countries: a comparative study.

By Ian Little, Tibor Scitovsky, Maurice Scott

Finance and Economic Growth in Developing Countries

By Gupta, Kanhaya L.

Population and Technology

By Ester Boserup

Finance Against Poverty: Volume 1

By David, Hulme, Mosley, Paul