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University - Business & Economics

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Handbook of New Institutional Economics

By Menard, Claude, Shirley, Mary M.

The New international division of labour, technology and underdevelopment: Consequences for the Third World

Gesellschaftsrechtliche Bindungen Fur Aufsichtsratsmitglieder Von Kommunalen Eigengesellschaften Im Spannungsfeld Zum Hessischen Kommunalverfassungsrecht: 5031 (Europaische Hochschulschriften Recht...

By Faber, Tobias

Sponsorship Evaluation: Agency Theory, Performance Measurement, Expert Consultation, Case Studies, and a Process Model

By O'Reilly, Norm

Financial Reporting and Analysis

By Revsine, Lawrence, Collins, Daniel W., Johnson, W. Bruce

Customer Relationship Management, Second Edition: Concept, Strategy, and Tools

By Kumar, V.

Financial Economics: A Concise Introduction to Classical and Behavioral Finance (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

By Hens, Thorsten, Rieger, Marc Oliver

Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, Software, and Case Studies (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

By Stadtler, Hartmut, Kilger, Christoph, Meyr, Herbert

Game Theory: A Multi-Leveled Approach (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

By Peters, Hans

Technological Change And Produ (Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics, 13, Economics of Technological Change Section)

By Link, Albert N

Fundamentals of Pure and Applied Economics Vol 16: The Corporation: Growth, Diversification and Mergers

By Mueller, Dennis C

Building Projects in China: A Manual for Architects and Engineers

By Bert Bielefeld

Monetary and Fiscal Dynamics (Studies in Contemporary Economics)

By Carlberg, Michael

Achieving the MDGs - a Multidisciplinary Perspective: Contributions by International PhD-students at Berlin Universities to Support Reaching the ... Goals (Berichte Aus Der Sozialwissenschaft)

By Weiter, Matthias

Managing Open Innovation in Large Firms

By Henry Chesbrough, Sabine Brunswicker, Stuttgart Fraunhofer IAO

Business English Tests

By Edwards, Jane, Murphy, Thomas

Nobel Economists

By Jose Manuel Barroso and Robert M. Solow

World Oil Outlook 2014

By N/A

World oil outlook 2015


World Oil Outlook

By N/A

Handbook on the economics of sport

By Wladimir Andreff and Stefan Szymanski

Global Business Strategy: Multinational Corporations Venturing into Emerging Markets (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

By Motohashi, Kazuyuki

Manga Mark Mobius - An Illustrated Biography Of The Father Of Emerging Markets Funds

By Kaoru Kurotani

Shaping the future of Japanese management: New leadership to overcome the impending crisis (LTCB international library selection)

By Tsuchiya, Moriaki


By 杰伊·巴塔查里亚 蒂莫西·海德 彼得·杜 曹乾

Environmental Economics, Policy and International Relations Prague 2007

By Stefan Speck et. al

Introduction to Futures and Options Markets

By Hull, John C.



Marketing of Agricultural Products

By Kohns / Uhl

Strategic Brand Management (3rd Edition)