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University - History and Politics

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Voices of the Poor: From Many Lands: 3

By Narayan, Deepa, Walton, Michael

Whose Voice?: Participatory research and policy change (Intermediate Technology Publications in Participation)

By Holland, Jeremy

Who Changes?: Institutionalizing participation in development (Intermediate Technology Publications in Participation)

By Blackburn, James, Holland, Jeremy

Non-Governmental Organizations and Rural Poverty Alleviation

By Riddell, Robinson, Mark, Roger

Becoming Human: New Perspectives on the Inhuman Condition / Edited by Paul Sheehan ; Foreword by Steven Connor.

By Sheehan, Paul

The Agrarian Question in Socialist Transitions

By Ashwani Saith

Stranger Magic: Charmed States & the Arabian Nights

By Warner, Marina

The Great Community: Culture and Nationalism in Ireland

By David Dwan, Seamus Deane and Breandán MacSuibhne

Down in the Dumps: Place, Modernity, American Depression

By Jani Scandura


By Alan Cameron and Roy Farndon

The Economics of Agricultural Development

By Mellor, John W.

Force Benedict (Extraordinary Lives, Extraordinary Stories of World War Two)

By Carter, Eric, Loveless, Anthony

The Sea Devils: Operation Struggle and the Last Great Raid of World War Two

By Felton, Mark

Gender, Lineage, And Ethnicity In Southern Africa

By Davison, Jean

Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa

By Chazan, Naomi

Aid and Reform in Africa: Lessons from Ten Case Studies

By World Bank, Devarajan Shantayanan, David Dollar, Torgny Holmgren, Shantayanan Devarajan

South from the Limpopo: Travels Through South Africa

By Murphy, Dervla

Democracy and Dictatorship in Ghana and Tanzania

By Pinkney, R.

Changing Uganda: The Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment and Revolutionary Change

By Twaddle, Michael, Hansen, Holger Bernt

Service Provision under Stress in East Africa

By Semboja, Joseph

Whistleblowing Around the World: Law,Culture and Practice

By Calland, Richard, Dehn, Guy

The Mandate of Heaven

By Harris, Nigel

Socialist Economics

By Nove, Alec, Nuti, D.

Unequal Partners

By Tabb, William K.

Adjustment with a Human Face: Vol. 1, Protecting the Vulnerable and Promoting Growth

By Cornia, Giovanni A., Jolly, Richard, Stewart, Frances

Oil: Politics, Poverty and the Planet (Global Issues)

By Shelley, Toby

Year 30: Germany's Second Chance

By Habermas, Jurgen

Listening to Grasshoppers: Field Notes on Democracy

By Roy, Arundhati

Forever England: Reflections on Race, Masculinity and Empire

By Rutherford, Jonathan

Why the Germans Do it Better: Notes from a Grown-Up Country

By Kampfner, John