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University - History and Politics

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Textbook on EC Law (Textbook on series)

By Steiner, Professor Jo, Woods, Professor Lorna, Twigg-Flesner, Christian

Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved and Died in the 1940s

By Anne Sebba

Revolutionary Ideas Karl Marx 2ed

By Callinicos, Alex

America, France and Vietnam: Cultural History and Ideas of Conflict

By Phil Melling / Jon Roper


By michael-klein

The Story of the Domesday Book

By Erskine, R.W.H, Williams, Ann

Vietnam and the Silent Majority - The Dove's Guide

By Milton J Rosenberg / Sidney Verba / Philip E Converse

The Art of Fiction

By James, Henry, Besant, Walter

The Political Economy of the Cotton South: Households, Markets and Wealth in the Nineteenth Century

By Wright, G

Birth of Modern Britain 1780-1914 Paper (LONGMAN ADVANCED HISTORY)

By Evans, Eric, Culpin, Chris

Access To History Themes: Fascism & Nazism

By Pearce, Robert

British Historians And The West Indies

By Eric Williams

Forged From The Love of Liberty

By Eric Williams

Visitor's Guide to the Loire

By Brangham, Norman

AQA A2 History British State and People, 1865-1915 (Aqa A2 History Students Book)

By Ailsa Fortune

Pedagogy of the Oppressed

By Freire

Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 2: Lifeworld and Systems, a Critique of Functionalist Reason, Volume 2: 1

By Habermas, Jurgen

The Recent Work of Jurgen Habermas: Reason, Justice and Modernity

By White, Stephen

Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action

By Habermas, Jurgen

Introduction to Heraldry

By Oliver, Stefan

American Dialogue: The Founders and Us

By Ellis, Joseph J

The Idea of America: Reflections on the Birth of the United States

By Wood, Gordon S

The Gentleman's Daughter: Women's Lives in Georgian England (Yale Nota Bene)

By Vickery, Amanda

Working Class Cultures in Britain, 1890-1960: Gender, Class and Ethnicity

By Joanna Bourke

The Reformation: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

By Marshall, Peter

Thinking Past Terror: Islamism and Critical Theory on the Left

By Buck-Morss, Susan

Democracy: All That Matters

By Beller, Steven

Black Leadership in America (Studies In Modern History)

By White, J.

In Search of Politics

By Bauman, Zygmunt

Derrida and the Political (Thinking the Political)

By Beardsworth, Richard