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University - History and Politics

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By Lord Lisle, Muriel St.Clare Byrne, Bridget Boland, Hugh Trevor-Roper


By Lord Lisle, Muriel St.Clare Byrne, Bridget Boland, Hugh Trevor-Roper

The Russian Revolution, 1900-27 (Studies in European History)

By Service, Robert, Breuilly, John, Porter, Roy

Introduction to Politics

By Geoffrey Ponton, Peter Gill

City In History, The

By Lewis Mumford

Chinese Revolutionary Memoirs, 1919-49

By Fan-Hsi Wang, G. Benton

Second Opium War

By Lamour, Catherine, Lamberti, Michel R., Ross, P., B.


By Johnson, Charles

The Day We Went to War

By Terry Charman

My Whitstable 1920-1939

By Jean Bishop

30's and 40's Britain (Snapping Turtle Guides)

By Guy, John

China in Africa (African Arguments)

By Alden, Chris

Governance and Politics of China: Third Edition (Comparative Government and Politics)

By Tony Saich

Same Bed, Different Dreams: Managing U.S.- China Relations, 1989-2000

By David M. Lampton

Chinese Politics: State, Society and the Market

By Daniel Lynch, Stanley Rosen (University of Southern California, USA)

China Against the Tides, 3rd Ed.: Restructuring through Revolution, Radicalism and Reform

By Professor Marc Blecher

Power Shift: China and Asia's New Dynamics

By David Shambaugh

Modern China

By Rana Mitter

Alexander of Macedon 356-323 Bc

By Green, Peter

Crusading Warfare 1097-1193

By R. C. Smail

German Revolution and the Treaty of Versailles, 1918-19

By Richard M. Watt

Philomena (Movie Tie-In): A Mother, Her Son, and a Fifty-Year Search


The Search for Modern China

By Spence, Johnathan D

Skara Brae: Northern Europe's Best Preserved Neolithic Village

By David ClarkE [Keeper of Archaeology, National Museums of Scotland] and Patrick M, D. V Clarke, Christopher Tabraham, The Marketing & Design Agency, Bil Fulton, Ross Gillespie, Michael Brooks, Ian Larner

Last Round: The Red Caps, the Paras and the Battle of Majar

By Mark Nicol

The Road to War

By R. J. Overy, Andrew Wheatcroft

The Revolution will be Digitised: Dispatches from the Information War

By Heather Brooke

Great Tales from English History: Cheddar Man to the Peasants' Revolt

By Robert Lacey

Emperor of China

By Jonathan D. Spence

The Address Book: What Street Addresses Reveal about Identity, Race, Wealth and Power

By Deirdre Mask