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University - History and Politics

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Royal Air Force 100: Technical Innovations Manual

By Jonathan Falconer

Contemporary West African States: 65 (African Studies, Series Number 65)

By O'Brien, Donal Cruise

The International Politics of Africa's Strategic Minerals

By Oye Ogunbadejo

Smugglers and Saints of the Sahara: Regional Connectivity in the Twentieth Century

By Judith Scheele (University of Oxford)

Verdict on Vichy: Power and Prejudice in the Vichy France Regime

By Michael Curtis (Reader in Pharmacology King's College London UK)

Africa In World Politics: Post-cold War Challenges, Second Edition

By John W Harbeson, Donald Rothchild

Africa In World Politics: The African State System In Flux

By John W Harbeson, Donald Rothchild

The French Empire Between the Wars: Imperialism, Politics and Society

By Martin Thomas

Administering Empire: The British Colonial Service in Retrospect

By Smith, John

Mussolini's Italy: Life Under the Dictatorship 1915-1945

By Richard J. B. Bosworth

The Voices of Morebath: Reformation and Rebellion in an English Village

By Duffy, Eamon

Plantation Jamaica, 1750-1850: Capital and Control in a Colonial Economy

Fascist Voices: An Intimate History of Mussolini's Italy

By Duggan, Christopher

Fake History: Ten Great Lies and How They Shaped the World

By Otto English

The Scattering Time: Turkana Responses to Colonial Rule

By John Lamphear (Associate Professor of History, Associate Professor of History, University of Texas at Austin)

The Building of an Empire

By Haile M. Larebo

The Colonial Caribbean in Transition

By Kevin A. Yelvington, Bridget Brereton

We Kill Because We Can: From Soldiering to Assassination in the Drone Age

By Laurie Calhoun

The Politics of Cultural Difference in Northern Cameroon

By Philip Burnham

Les Systemes Politiques Africains: Les Nouvelles Democraties

By P F Gonidec

Government and Rural Development in East Africa: Essays on Political Penetration

By L. Cliffe, J.S. Coleman, M.R. Doornbos

Millennium: A History of the Last Thousand Years

By Felipe Fernaandez-Armesto

Diplomacy and Nation-Building in Africa: Franco-British relations and Cameroon at the End of Empire

By Professor Melanie Torrent

African State And Society In The 1990s: Cameroon's Political Crossroads

By Takougang, Joseph

Colonialism in Africa: Volume 2

By L. H. Gann

Rulers of British Africa, 1870-1914

By L. H. Gann, Peter Duignan

Botswana: The Road to Independence.

By Peter Fawcus

Administering the Empire, 1801-1968 - a Guide to the Records of the Colonial Office

By Mandy Banton

Of Revelation and Revolution, Volume 2: The Dialectics of Modernity on a South African Frontier

By John L. Comaroff, Jean Comaroff

Realm of the Word: Language, Gender and Christianity in a Southern African Kingdom

By Paul Stuart Landau (Royalty Account)