books by publisher
Academic Press
Goat Production

Clinical Engineering Handbook (Biomedical Engineering)

Basic Electric Circuit Theory: A One-Semester Text

Clinical Simulation

Neurotransmitter Release: The Neuromuscular Junction

Elements of Petroleum Geology

Genetics of Bacterial Diversity

Introduction to the Graphical Kernal System (GKS), (Apic S)

Hormone Action: Volume 103 (Methods in Enzymology)

Advances in Immunology: Volume 62

Foundations of modern analysis

Molecular Biology of the Male Reproductive System

Biotechnology for Beginners

Essentials of Medical Geology: Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health

Fundamentals of Forensic Science

Paleoclimatology: Reconstructing Climates of the Quaternary (International Geophysics): Volume 68

Encyclopedia of Insects

Dictionary of Acoustics

Mathematical Methods For Physicists International Student Edition

Bacteriophages, Part B: 83 (Advances in Virus Research): Volume 83
Space through the Ages

Genomics in Cancer Drug Discovery and Development (Advances in Cancer Research): Volume 96
The Biological Significance of climatic changes in Britain

Handbook of Networking & Connectivity