books by publisher
Cengage Learning EMEA

Business Accounting and Finance

Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation

International Finance (The Chapman & Hall Series in Accounting & Finance)

Problem Solving in Business and Management: Hard, Soft and Creative

Financial Accounting

Operations Management: A Supply Chain Approach

Marketing Management

A Practical Foundation in Accounting: Student's Solution Gde

Principles of Marketing (Principles of Management)

Professional Chef Level 1 Diploma

Supervisory Management: Principles and Practice

Cost and Management Accounting: An Introduction

Company Accounts: Analysis, Interpretation, Understanding

Financial Accounting: Practice and Principles

Professional Chef Level 2 Diploma

Marketing Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure in Europe (Series in Tourism & Hospitality Management)

Strategic Hospitality Management: Theory and Practice for the 1990's (Cassell hotel & catering)

Financial Derivatives (The Chapman & Hall Series in Accounting & Finance)

Strategic Management: Awareness and Change

The Culture Business

Techniques in Computational Learning (Chapman & Hall Computing)

Tourism: A Modern Synthesis (with CourseMate and eBook Access Card)

Property Portfolio Management: An Introduction

Income Approach to Property Valuation

Object-Oriented Programming with C++

The Skills of Management

Financial Management (Complete Course Texts)

Access to Higher Education: The Social Sciences (Access to Higher Education series)

Object Oriented Programming (Computing programming textbooks)