books by publisher
Cengage Learning EMEA

What is Strategy and Does it Matter?


Business Mathematics and Statistics

Urbanization, Planning and Development in the Caribbean

Physiotherapy in Respiratory Care: An evidence-based approach to respiratory and cardiac management: A Problem-Solving Approach



Computers and Microprocessors: Components and Systems

Creating New Clients: Marketing and Selling Professional Services

East Central Europe from Reform to Transformation: A Comparison of Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia (Chatham House Papers)

Remaking the Balkans (Chatham House Papers)

Mathematics: Level 1 (Holt technician texts)

Comparative Industrial Relations: An Introduction to Cross-national Perspectives

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

Marketing Research in Action

Effective Problem Solving (Self-Development for Managers)

Business Economics

First Course in Business Analysis

Costing (Complete Course Texts)

Quinn's Principles and Practice of Nurse Education

Compilers, Compiler Generators and C++ (Itcp-Uk Computer Science Series)

Public Sector Accounting and Financial Control (The Chapman & Hall Series in Accounting & Finance)

Public Sector Financial Management (The Chapman & Hall Series in Accounting & Finance)

Economics and Changing Economies

Skoog and West's Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry: Cengage Technology Edition

The New Management Reader

FAMILIES OF SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS (Mental Health Nursing & the Community)

Strategy: An International Perspective

Chemistry: Cengage Technology Edition