books by publisher
Cengage Learning

English in Action: Bk. 1

Sense and Nonsense About Crime and Drugs: A Policy Guide (Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice)

Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions

Rag Rug Inspirations

Manufacturing Technology Text (Delmar Technology Series)

International Business and Management

Health Promotion: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Equity

International Economics: College Edition

Foodcraft: Dry Processes No. 1 (HCTC Macmillan: published in conjunction with the H otel & Catering Training Company)

The Management of Food Service Operations

Postmodern Marketing Two: Telling Tales

The Globalization of Tourism and Hospitality: A Strategic Perspective

Operations Management: An International Perspective

Skills for Business English: Student's Book - Level 3

Business Accounting for Hospitality and Tourism (Tourism and Hospitality Management Series)

PBL Made Simple: Lessons for the Classroom

Link Pre-intermediate: Course Book

Principles of Microeconomics

Storytelling With Our Students: Techniques for telling tales from around the world

DELTA ACAD OBJ - WRITING SKILLS CB (Delta Academic Objectives)

DELTA ACAD OBJ - READING SKILLS CB (Delta Academic Objectives)

Pass Cambridge Bec Preliminary Workbook

Pass Cambridge Bec Preliminary Teacher Book: Preliminary Teacher's Book No.1

Presenting (Delta Business Communication Skills) (Business Communications Skills)

Improve Your Maths: A Refresher Course: A Refresher Course

Can Do, Serious Fun: Games for 4-9s: Games for 4-9 Year Olds

Understanding Business Marketing and Purchasing

Nutrition: A Practical Approach

Public Relations: An Introduction: An Introduction