books by publisher
Cengage Learning

Strategy: Process, Content, Context

Instant Grammar Lessons; Photocopiable Lessons for Intermediate Classes (Photocopiable ELT Instant Lessons Series)

Conversation Lessons

Skills for Business English: Student's Book - Level 3

Presenting (Delta Business Communication Skills) (Business Communications Skills)

Pass Cambridge Bec Preliminary Teacher Book: Preliminary Teacher's Book No.1

Pass Cambridge Bec Preliminary Workbook

DELTA ACAD OBJ - READING SKILLS CB (Delta Academic Objectives)

DELTA ACAD OBJ - WRITING SKILLS CB (Delta Academic Objectives)

Storytelling With Our Students: Techniques for telling tales from around the world

Principles of Microeconomics

Link Pre-intermediate: Course Book

PBL Made Simple: Lessons for the Classroom

Business Accounting for Hospitality and Tourism (Tourism and Hospitality Management Series)

Volleyball (Play the Game) (Play the Game S.)
Intermediate Outcomes

Pass Cambridge Bec Vantage Workbook

Pass Cambridge Bec Vantage Teacher's Book: Vantage Teacher's Book No.2

Consumer Behaviour

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Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions

Sales Management: Analysis and Decision Making

Boot Up: The Daily Telegraph Beginner's Guide to Computers and Computing
The Crab Hunt
Birds Eye View
My Zoo Album



Mechanics of Materials