books by publisher
Chapman and Hall

An Introduction to Radiation Protection

An Introduction to Industrial Chemistry

Introduction to High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Heterocyclic Chemistry

Dictionary of Scientific Units: Including dimensionless numbers and scales

Introduction to Statistical Ideas for Social Scientists

Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Relativity

A Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics

Dictionary of Named Effects and Laws in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics

Diet and Heart Disease: A Round Table of Factors

Iron: Nutritional and physiological significance The Report of the British Nutrition Foundation's Task Force

The Potato Crop: The scientific basis for improvement

Community Structure and the Niche

Basic Electromagnetism

Introduction to Discrete-time Signals and Systems

Assessing Physically Disabled People At Home

The Sugar Beet Crop: Science into Practice

Psychiatric Nursing Skills: A Patient-centred Approach
Geohazards: Natural and Man-made

Shallow Refraction Seismics

Counselling Skills for Health Professionals

Challenges in Caring: Explorations in nursing and ethics

The Identification of Molecular Spectra

Classical Mechanics: Methuen's Monographs on Physical Subjects
The education of Children with motor and Neurological Disabilities

Coping with Stress in the Health Professions: A practical guide

Brain Injury Rehabilitation: A neurofunctional approach

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Occupational Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation