By Terry Marsden, etc.
By Fran Hill, Lynne Parsons
By Jean Hull
By Val Davis, Ann Berger, Di Buck
By Pie Corbett
By Liam Gearon
By Mel Ainscow
By Sally Raymond (Education Consultant)
By Paul Cooper, Katherine M. Bilton
By Rita Headington
By Caroline Davey, Brian Moses
By Janice Wearmouth, Ted Glynn, Robin C. Richmond, Mere Berryman
By Allison Orphan
By Colin Noble, Jerry Brown, Jane Murphy
By Rita Jordan (University of Birmingham, UK), Glenys Jones
By Gill Matthews, Sylvia Karavis
By Marion Nash (Chartered Educational Psychologist, UK), Jackie Lowe (Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Tracey Palmer (Deputy Head Teacher