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Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, 5e

By Lissauer MB BChir FRCPCH, Tom, Carroll MD MRCP MRCPCH Bm BCh BA MA(Oxon), Will

Talley and O'Connor's Clinical Examination - 2-Volume Set, 8e

By Talley MD (NSW) PhD (Syd) MMedSci (Clin Epi)(Newc.) FAHMS FRACP FAFPHM FRCP (Lond. & Edin.) FACP, Nicholas J, O'Connor FRACP DDU FCSANZ, Simon

Pharmacology for Health Professionals

By Knights BSc (Hons) PhD Grad Cert Tertiary Education, Kathleen, Rowland PhD BSc (Hons), Andrew, Darroch BSc MPharm GradCertAcaPrac, Shaunagh

Atlas de anatomía humana

By F.H. Netter

Organic Reactions (Selected Topics in Chemistry)

By Stark, J. G.

The Physical World: v. 3: S.I.Units

By Keighley, H.J.P., Mckim, F.R., F.R. McKim

The Physical World: v. 1: S.I.Units

By Keighley, H.J.P., Mckim, F.R.

Computational Structures (Composite materials series)

By Hall, Patrick A V

Medical Microbiology,: With STUDENTCONSULT online access

By David Greenwood

Virology,: An Illustrated Colour Text

By Stephen Korsman

SJT: Pass the Situational Judgement Test: A Guide for Medical Students, 1e

By Green BSc (Hons) MBBS, Cameron B, Braddy BSc (Hons) MBBS, Aaron, Roberts MB ChB MA (Med.Ed) MD FRCP ILTHE, C Michael

Aggression and Antisocial Behaviour in Childhood and Adolescence

By Hersov, Lionel Abraham, Berger, M., Shaffer, David, Lionel, A. Hersov, L., D.

From the Middlegame into the Endgame

By Mednis, Edmar

Adventure in Creative Education

By Marshall, Sybil, Oakeshott, Ewart

Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints,: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access

By Robert H. Seller

Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (Monographs in Anaesthesiology S.)

By Kay, B.

Human Biology and Hygiene

By Freeman, Joan, Neave, R.A.

An Introduction to Marine Geology

By Keen, M.J.

Bacteria (Selected topics in biology)

By Phillip, B.

Human Histology

By Alan Steven and James Lowe

Survey of Ophthalmology (Various Issues)

By Various Authors

Health & Place International Jounral

By Various Authors#

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume Set

By Kliegman MD, Robert M., St. Geme III MD, Joseph W.

Basic Approaches to Ecology (Selected Topics in Biology)

By Shepley, A.V.

Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 2-Volume Set (Cecil Textbook of Medicine)

By Goldman MD, Lee, Schafer MD, Andrew I.

Noise, Buildings and People: v. 11 (International Series in Heating, Ventilation & Refrigeration)

By Croome, Derek J.

Guide to Essential Math: A Review for Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Students (Elsevier Insights)

By Blinder, Sy

Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder, 5e

By Rockwood Jr. MD, Charles A., Wirth MD, Michael A., Fehringer, Edward V, Sperling, John W, Lippitt MD, Steven B., Matsen III MD, Frederick A.

The Clinical Placement: An Essential Guide for Nursing Students, 4e

By Levett-Jones RN BN MEd&Work PhD, Tracy, Reid-Searl RN RM BHlthSc(Nurs) MClinEd PhD, Kerry, Bourgeois RN OTCert BA MA MEd PhD, Sharon

Netter's Clinical Anatomy, 2Ed (Pb 2010)

By Hansen J.T.