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Elsevier Science Ltd

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Crown Reading Scheme: Bk. 3B: The Maid and the Mouse

By Jim Rogerson, etc.

Physics of Human Movement

By Page, R.L.

Highway Pollution (Volume 44) (Studies in Environmental Science, Volume 44)

By Hamilton, R.S., Harrison, R.M.

George Buchanan: Prince of Poets

By Ford, Philip J.

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Aggression Research

By Brain, Paul F., Benton, David

Dictionary of Language and Linguistics

By Hartmann, Reinhard R. K., Stork, F. C.

Ears and Hearing (Read & Do S.)

By Kincaid, Doug, Coles, Peter S.

Light and Life

By Collieu, A.M.

Twelve-month and a Day

By Christopher Rush

Learning to Spell: Tchrs'

By G.L. Arvidson

Comprehensive Mathematics: Bk. 4

By P. Bridgewater, etc.

World Resources: Energy

By D. Scott

Atoms and Molecules

By John Curtis

Kings and Queens of Britain: King Charles I

By O.B. Gregory

Human Factors in Analysis and Design of Information Systems: Conference Proceedings

By Anthony Finkelstein, etc., M. Tauber, R. Traunmuller

Airline Pilots: Book 19

By O.B. Gregory

Genesis in the Dock

By Charles Hodgson

Working with Young People

By Aubrey George Smith

Working with Seniors

By Gilbert Griffin

Natural Approach to Mathematics: Pt. 4

By Harold William Clayton, Denys Noel Straker

Coastal Engineering: v. 2: Sedimentation, Estuaries, Tides, Effluents and Modelling

By Richard Silvester

Crown Reading Scheme: Bk. 4: We Paint the Castle

By Jim Rogerson, etc.

Crown Reading Scheme: Bk. 6B: The Little Guard's Birthday

By Jim Rogerson, etc.

Dictionary of Science and Technology: German-English

By A. F. Dorian

Young Historian: Bk. 1

By Haydn Evans

Practise Your Spelling

By O.B. Gregory, C. Maxwell

Breast Cancer: A Guide for Fellows

By O.E. Silva, S. Zurrida

Inquiring into Physics: Bk. 1: Mechanics and Properties of Matter

By Anthony Walford Wilson

Crown Reading Scheme: Bk. 5: We Make a Garden

By Jim Rogerson, etc.

Coastal Engineering: v. 1: Generation, Propagation and Influence of Waves

By Richard Silvester