books by publisher
Franklin Watts

Hopscotch: Moo!

Starters: Heat - That's Hot!: Too Hot or Too Cold?

Crazy Food (EDGE: Slipstream Non-Fiction Level 2)

Boudicca Fights Back: 21 (Sparks)


Festival Time: A Year of Jewish Festivals

Dinosaurs: 2 (X-Ray Pic Books)
space shuttles a new era

Christmas Crafts: 5 (Creative Crafts)

Grow Your Own: Tomatoes

Alcohol: 19 (Talking About)

Fight For The Vote: 18 (Sparks)
The living town

Leapfrog Rhyme Time: In the Deep Dark Forest

A Wedding (Why Is This Day Special?)

Fruits and Vegetables (The World of Plants)

Incy Wincy Spider: WITH Incy Wincy Beetle (Tadpoles Nursery Rhymes)

Tadpoles: At the End of the Garden

Thumbelina (Leapfrog Fairy Tales)

Teenage Pregnancy: 2 (It Happened to me)

Hopscotch: I Can't Stand It!: 36

Dog (If You Were A)

Ocean Wildlife (Saving Wildlife)

Dragon (EDGE: I HERO: Immortals)

Graphic Natural Disasters: Tornadoes and Superstorms

The UK (Journey Through)

Merlin the Mouse: Independent Reading Blue 4 (Reading Champion)
You're Special Too