books by publisher
Franklin Watts

Ways Into Science: Changing Materials

Out and About: The Police Station

The Children's Hospital (Out and About)

Making a Difference: Reusing Things

Waste and Recycling: 13 (Visual Reference Library)

What We Do: Shop Assistant

Cricketer: Dan is physically disabled (Making It! - RADAR the disability network): 5

When I Was Little: 5 (Reading Roundabout)

The Ants and the Grasshopper (Must Know Stories: Level 1)
Safety First - With Strangers
Florence Nightingale

Christopher Columbus (History Heroes)

Ww2 - Europe: 1 (Atlas Of Conflicts)

Why Do Fish Have Gills? (Wildlife Wonders)
Talking About Drugs

Life Cycles: 30 (Ways Into Science)

Earth Cycles: Animals: 2

Out and About: The Fire Station

Reading Corner Phonics: The Kick Off

Espresso Ideas Box: Rainforests

Robot World: Robots In Dangerous Places

World War 2 Bunker. The Cabinet War Rooms (Building History): 12

Hamsters and Gerbils (Get to Know Your Pet)

Plan, Prepare, Cook: A Tasty Main Meal

A World Of Food: Italy

Eco Alert: Energy Supply: 4

A Noble History of Knights (Blast Through the Past)

Robot World: Robots In Space