books by publisher
Geoffrey Chapman
Listen to love
Christian Celebration (Outstanding Christian Thinkers)
Introduction to New Testament Christology
One Fold, One Shepherd: Challenge to the Post-Reformation Church
Commentary on the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Cardinal Hume and the Changing Face of English Catholicism
Westminster Cathedral: 1895-1995
Experience the Mystery: Pastoral Possibilites for Christian Mystagogy
New Revised Standard Version (Bible)
New Directions in Moral Theology: The Challenge of Being Human (Geoffrey Chapman Pastoral Studies S.)
By Way of the Heart: Toward a Holistic Christian Spirituality
New Directions in Sexual Ethics: Moral Theology and the Challenge of AIDS
Preaching What We Believe (Mowbray Preaching S.)
The Creed in the Catechism: The Life of God for Us
Sexuality and the Sacred: A Reader
Called to Mission: Workbook for the Decade of Evangelization (Geoffrey Chapman pastoral studies)
Making RCIA Work: An Anthology of Material for Use in RCIA Groups (Geoffrey Chapman Pastoral Studies S.)
God Day by Day: A Companion to the Weekday Missal: Lent and Easter 1
God Day by Day: Ordinary Time - Matthew v. 2: A Companion to the Weekday Missal
Marriage, Divorce and Nullity: Guide to the Annulment Process in the Catholic Church
Preaching on the Historical Jesus (Mowbray Preaching S.)
Religions Around The World
Divorce and Second Marriage: Facing the Challenge
The Psychology of Religious Knowing
Responses to 101 Questions on the Bible
Passion for the Earth: Christian Vocation to Promote Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation
People of God: Bk. 1: You are My Children
Catechism of the Catholic Church