books by publisher

Heinemann Educational Publishers

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Hints for Ordinary Level Mathematics

By Clarke, L.Harwood

Clyde Klutter's Room: Big Book

Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement (Heinemann books on sociology)

By A.N. Oppenheim, Oppenheim, A.N.

Molly Best: Stage 3 (Rhyme world)

By Mayfield / Holleyman

Edexcel AS GCE Applied ICT Single Award

By Sharon Yull, Alan Jarvis, Jenny Lawson

BTEC Introduction to IT at Work

By Veronica White

Arnold Wesker (Contemporary Playwrights S.)

By Hayman, Ronald

Harold Pinter (Contemporary Playwrights S.)

By Hayman, Ronald

Germany 1918-39: Germany 1918-39 (Heinemann Scottish History)

By Kerr, John, McGonigle, Jim

teacher's anthology 4

By Unidentified Author

Reading Skills

Patterns of Language: Explorations of the Teaching of English

By Stratta, Leslie, Dixon, Prof. John

Illustrated Dictionary of Health and Social Care

By Yvonne Nolan

A2 GCE Applied ICT for Edexcel

By Jenny Lawson, Alan Jarvis, Andrew Smith, Peter Blundell, Richard McGill, Mary Reid

Edexcel AS GCE Applied ICT Double Award

By Yull, Sharon, Jarvis, Mr Alan, Lawson, Jenny, Smith, Mr Andrew

Drawing 2 (STEM)

Ordinary National Certificate Mathematics: v. 1

By Horner, H.A.

Mathematics for Engineers and Applied Scientists

By Lennox, Stanley C., Chadwick, Mary

Motor Vehicle Technology and Practical Work: v. 1 & 2 in 1v

By Dolan, John Albert, Nicholls, J.W.

Introductory Design Problems

By Balkham, Keith, Mills, Richard

Project Technology Handbooks: Design with Plastics Bk. 8

By Schools Council

Woodcraft: An Introduction to Working in Wood (STEM)

Materials: Properties and Uses (STEM)

Forces: An Introduction to Structures and Mechanisms (STEM)

Designing and Making: First Steps in Design (STEM)

Decision Making in British Education

School-focused In-service Training (Organization in Schools)

By Raymond Bolam

Managing the Contracting School (Organization in Schools)

By W.F. Dennison

Interactive Non-fiction and Media 11-14 Student Book

By Geoff Barton, David Grant

Head of Department (Heinemann organization in schools series)

By Marland, Michael