books by publisher

Heinemann Educational Publishers

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Fragmentary Class Structure

By Roberts, Kenneth, etc.

Fragmentary Class Structure

By Roberts, Kenneth, etc.

Militant Worker

By Lash, Scott

Making Sense Together: An Introduction to Wild Sociology

By O'Neill, John

Orthodox Consensus and Radical Alternative: A Study in Sociological Theory

By Atkinson OBE, Dick

Decision Making in British Education

By Fowler, Gerald, etc.

Comparability and Social Research

By Stacey, Professor Margaret

Sources of the African Past: Case Studies of Five Nineteenth-century African Societies

By Robinson, David, Smith, Douglas

Africa Now: People, Policies and Institutions

By Various

Chemistry Takes Shape: Book 4

By Johnstone, A. H., Morrison, T.I.

Selected Poems (Poetry Bookshelf)

By Herbert, George, Reeves, Gareth

The Analysis of Geographical Data

By Theakstone, Wilfred, Harrison, Colin

African Religions and Philosophy

By Mbiti, John S.

Religion in Africa: Experience & Expression: 0004 (Monograph Series of the David M. Kennedy)

By Blakely, T.D., Van Beek, W.E.A., Thomson, D.L.

Think About it: Bk. 4: Problems in Basic Mathematics

By Hulbert, J., Wiles, W.

Families at Risk (Studies in Deprivation & Disadvantage)

By Madge, Nic

Sociology of Emile Durkheim

By Nisbet, Robert

Political Man

By Lipset, Seymour Martin

BTEC Introduction IT @ Work

By Veronica White

"King Lear": The Space of Tragedy

By Kozintsev, Grigori

Selected Literary Criticism

By Lawrence, D. H., Beal, Anthony

Reputation and Writings of Alexander Pope

By Reeves, James

Teacher's Anthology 4

By Unidentified Author

Organization of Science in England

By Cardwell, D.S.L.

Poets' World: Anthology of English Poetry

By Reeves, James

Man-made Disasters

By Butler, John E.

New Social Studies: A Handbook for Teachers in Primary, Secondary and Further Education

By Lawton, Professor Denis, Dufour, Barry

Russia in the Eighteenth Century

By Lentin, Antony

Second Mrs. Hardy

By Gittings, Robert, Manton, Jo

Heracles the Strong (New Windmills)

By Serraillier, Ian