books by publisher
Icon Books

The Elements of Eloquence: How To Turn the Perfect English Phrase

The First Time: True Tales of Virginity Lost and Found (Including My Own)

Introducing Sartre

Introducing Aristotle

Introducing Buddha

Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet

Introducing Critical Theory

The Grand Prix Companion

A Chip Shop in Poznan: My Unlikely Year in Poland

Introducing Darwin and Evolution
Armies of Death

Appointment with F.E.A.R.

Introducing Cultural Studies

Introducing Epigenetics: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Psychotherapy: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Fascism and Nazism: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP): A Practical Guide

The 50 Greatest Churches and Cathedrals of Great Britain

Marxism: A Graphic Guide

Einstein's Heroes: Imagining the World Through the Language of Mathematics

Finding Home: The Real Stories of Migrant Britain

Love Among the Ruins: A memoir of life and love in Hamburg, 1945

Platform Souls: The Trainspotter as 20th-Century Hero

Introducing Sartre: A Graphic Guide

Introducing Thatcherism: A Graphic Guide

The Boy with Two Hearts: A Story of Hope
In Harm's Way: Bosnia: A War Reporter's Story

The Nature Magpie: A Cornucopia of Facts, Anecdotes, Folklore and Literature from the Natural World

Scientists Anonymous: Great Stories of Women in Science