books by publisher
Icon Books

Introducing Newton and Classical Physics

Introducing Logic (Graphic Guides)

Introducing the Enlightenment

Postmodernism and Holocaust Denial (Postmodern Encounters)

Foucault for Beginners

Introducing Walter Benjamin: A Graphic Guide (Graphic Guides)

Introducing Evolution

Introducing Evolutionary Psychology

Introducing Plato

How to Win a Roman Chariot Race: Lives, Legends and Treasures from the Ancient World

Girls Uninterrupted: Steps for Building Stronger Girls in a Challenging World

Why Blame Israel? The Facts Behind the Headlines

Ask John: Straight-talking, common sense from the front line of management

Introducing Psychology of Relationships: A Practical Guide (Practical Guide Series)

Introducing Baudrillard: A Graphic Guide (Graphic Guides)

Nietzsche and Postmodernism (Postmodern Encounters)

Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good

Introducing Wittgenstein

Introducing Derrida: A Graphic Guide (Graphic Guides)

Lacan and Postfeminism (Postmodern Encounters)

Knowledge is Power: How Magic, the Government and an Apocalyptic Vision Helped Francis Bacon to Create Modern Science

Western Philosophy for Beginners

The World's Greatest Idea: The Fifty Greatest Ideas That Have Changed Humanity

Why Blame Israel?: The Facts Behind the Headlines

Introducing Aristotle

Introducing Descartes

Introducing Melanie Klein: A Graphic Guide (Graphic Guides)

What is Myrrh Anyway?: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Christmas

Introducing Machiavelli